Heroes of the storm tutorial
Heroes of the storm tutorial

Because she is squishy and doesn’t have many escape options, learn good positioning or die trying! In the Nexus, Jaina gets the chance to face off against Garrosh, who destroyed her city of Theramore and earned her enduring hatred. She does rely on good accuracy to land most of her abilities, so wait until you’re comfortable with basic movement and gameplay to give her a try.

heroes of the storm tutorial

Jaina is a good ranged assassin choice for beginner players because she works well with many different team compositions. She is a frost mage, and each of her abilities in Heroes of the Storm is linked to frost. Jaina is known for being wise and courageous, as well as the most powerful human sorceress in Azeroth. Jaina Proudmoore enters the nexus from the Warcraft realm of Azeroth.

heroes of the storm tutorial

Top 10 Heroes of the Storm Champions for Beginners 10.

Heroes of the storm tutorial